Our Team
Hi there!
My name is Johanna and I’m the designer and founder of JoJo-Pack.
I’m a Swedish engineer and I have worked in iron mining, oil refinery and ice-cream manufacturing. I now start a journey to do something totally different.
I love this bag and I am sure you will too. I would love to see my JoJo-Pack being used and helping someone in their day. This would be a dream come true for me.
Please support me and help me make this bag a reality.

Husband to be.
German early riser and marathon runner with a PhD in Material Science. His education comes in handy when looking at materials.
His morning habits allow Johanna to sleep in and our dog Elvis to be the first one in the park.
His level of movement allows him to eat an impressive amount of candy without it showing on the bathroom scales.
3 years ago, Johanna proposed to him, and the first thing he said was “Is this a joke?” not exactly the expected answer she was looking for, but 3 seconds later he did say yes 😊.
The family dog.
Our happy, HAPPY dog that always wants to play and cuddled. He makes sure that we get breaks and invites us to take long walks in the woods. This sometimes leads to tricky problems being solved just because we got some distance from the desk. Great job Elvis.